
Teavana to Destroy...err I mean Absorb SpecialTeas in 2011

In my cup: Adagio Teas Irish Breakfast

There are a lot of SpecialTeas fans out there.

Some bad news for those fans.

Wait, the post title already gave it away. Shoot.

Yep, Teavana will be absorbing SpecialTeas in the begininng of 2011. So say goodbye while there is still time.

Side note... did you even know that Teavana and SpecialTeas were related in the first place? Yes, indeed. SpecialTeas supplies Teavana with tea and makes a few exclusive blends for them. (Actually, there is a deeper business relationship than that, you know... same owners.)

For the most part, you can get the same. exact. tea. at both places, only you'll pay up to twice as much at one of the vendors. Gee, I wonder which one that would be.

Hopefully Teavana won't screw the pooch and kill the great selection offered by SpecialTeas.

Awww hell, who am I kidding?

Teavana will probably take every tea offered by SpecialTeas, mix it with a million flavor components, and add a pinch of white tea... for your health. Duh.

My source? The internet.

Believe it.

But really, from Silk Road Teas' Facebook page on November 11 at 6:52pm:

Special Teas, a highly regarded tea company and Web seller, will fold into its parent company, Teavana, and soon cease operating as we know it. Since the 1990s, when ST began it business, Silk Road Teas has been a supplier of its competition-grade and unusual green, Oolong, black and white teas. Those of you who came to enjoy ST's offerings will find many of them on our site, available for your enjoyment!

Adagio Tea's First Retail Store, Grand Opening Video

If you hadn't heard (which I'm sure you have), Adagio Teas is on the mission to expand their operation into physical retail stores. Recently they opened shop at their first location in Naperville, IL. Here's an awesome video from the grand opening.

It looks like they have nailed the tea buying experience. If you live in the area or will be visiting the area, be sure to make the trip to the store. Hopefully by the end of the year, their second retail location in Skokie, IL will be open for business.

Totally kick's Teavana's ass.

Adagio Retail (short version) from Zack Luye on Vimeo.

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